How easy is it to get started on your project with Thermocore?

January 8, 2015

Everyday we get calls from folks asking how much it costs to build with Thermocore SIPs. The answer: Much less than what you save on heating and cooling costs over the lifetime of your home or building project.

But in order to provide an accurate number for Thermocore’s customized Structural Insulated Panels, we need to see some sort of building plan with dimensions. Without that, we can give the often-requested “rough ballpark price” for Thermocore SIPs, but it won’t supply the meaningful information you need.

Every journey begins with a map, and the map for your project is the building plan. Once we see your working drawing, we get a clear understanding of what’s involved and can identify any areas of concern. Your price quote will show dollar amounts broken out for structural insulated wall panels, structural insulated roof panels, delivery, and installation, then you choose the options that work best for your design goals and budget.

We never charge for quotes and usually get back to you within a day. All you need to provide is:

  • Footprint
  • Wall heights
  • Roof plan

We don’t need window and door sizes or other interior details. Even the roughest sketch with dimensions marked will save you time and provide the specific information you need for an accurate SIPs cost analysis.